Category: Experience
Marketing Manager – Enveseur, S.L.
Leader supplier e-Commerce company of postal light-packaging and paper envelopes, present in 19 countries in the European Union. Annual turnover: 4,5M€.
Marketing & Communication Specialist – Tecnocut, S.L.
Industrial company focused on the commercialisation of tooling and engineering products for label production. Recognised as an Innovative SME. Turnover: 4M€.
Business Intelligence Analyst Assistant – PPG Industries
Fortune 500 industrial company focused on the commercialisation of paints, varnishes and coatings. Turnover in Spain: < €50 million.
Business Development Intern – The Nielsen Holdings
Data measurement and analysis company offering information and customised solutions to leading food manufacturers. Turnover in Spain: > €25 million.
Market Researcher – Grup Ametller Origen
Catalan leader retail chain supermarket with 100+ grocery shops specialised in fruits, vegetables and ready to eat food (MRE).Turnover: 500M€+ Oct 2016 – May 2017 Marketing Intern Aug 2016 – Sep 2017